Parents seek answers to son's Yemen death

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 03 Juni 2014 | 21.29

THE parents of an Australian man killed in a US drone strike in Yemen want to know how their son died and what evidence the federal government has of his possible links to terrorism.

Christopher Harvard, 27, was killed in a US drone strike in Yemen on November 19 last year.

The Townsville man's parents, Neill and Bronwyn Dowrick, say they feel abandoned by the Australian government after being given conflicting information about his death.

"Every time we ask questions, they just won't answer," Mrs Dowrick told the ABC on Tuesday.

Mr Dowrick said it took at least a month after their son was killed before they were told.

First they heard he was killed in a Yemen government strike on a mosque, then in a car, then the federal government "changed the story every week".

Mr Harvard had told his parents he was going to Yemen to teach English after someone paid for his trip.

But the federal government apparently suspects he was linked to terrorism in Yemen and to the kidnapping of three Westerners in 2012.

Mr and Mrs Dowrick say they received a call in 2012 to advise their son's passport had been cancelled.

"So then he had to stay in Yemen," Mr Dowrick said.

The ABC showed freedom of information documents from Foreign Minister Julie Bishop's office that say Mr Harvard was being investigated for possible involvement in activities in Yemen linked to al-Qaeda in the Arabian peninsula, including the kidnapping of three Europeans.

Mr Dowrick says all that is hearsay and no one has ever given them any proof either way.

They want the truth.

"No lies, the straight-out truth," he said.

Mrs Dowrick said it has been a terrible ordeal.

"How do we move on? We have got no closure.

"We've got no proof of Chris's body, a death certificate or how he was actually killed," she said.

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