Smithsonian names Aussie museum director

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 06 Juni 2014 | 21.29

THE Smithsonian has named Australian Melissa Chiu, a museum leader for the Asia Society in New York, as the next director of the Hirshhorn Museum for modern and contemporary art in Washington.

Darwin-born Chiu joins the Smithsonian in September. She succeeds Richard Koshalek who resigned last year after a dispute with the museum's board over funding to build an inflatable pavilion at the museum for special performances and programs.

Chiu has served as director of the Asia Society Museum since 2004 and previously was curator for contemporary Asian and Asian-American art.

Smithsonian officials say Chiu is a prolific fundraiser, securing 80 per cent of the Asia Society Museum's $US29 million ($A31.38 million) budget.

The Hirshhorn has an $US8 million budget, and the Smithsonian provides $US10 million in operating support.

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